Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Household Improvement Projects....

....means posts with before/after pictures. Tomorrow I should finish the last of our most time-consuming improvements, and maybe I'll even have the house clean to the point that I'm not embarrassed to post pictures of it!

And introducing Rae's Anatomy, spinoff of the beloved TV show Grey's Anatomy....
I've decided to go back to teaching Pilates full-time, instead of just subbing. I was on the fence about it for a while, but lately have remembered just how much I love it. And this time, instead of teaching in a gym (sweaty mats and dirty floors and people intent on whittling themselves down to nothingness), I'll be teaching with my friend at her studio! (I'll still probably be teaching only three hours a week, so it's not even terribly time-consuming.) I'm basically her apprentice right now, and tonight she loaded me up with several good books, one of which is about anatomy. It's actually really fascinating, although a lot of the words are long and jumbly, and sometimes I really have to exercise my spatial reasoning skills to picture the muscles being described. Does "obturator internus" sound like words you'd be apt to say every day? Or how about "acromioclavicular joint"? I love it--these words sound a little like the ones I made up fifteen or twenty years ago. (Okay, I still make up words.....ahem....every day.)

Here's hoping my house will be clean and my transversus abdominis will become strong. :)


Crystal said...

So I just left a comment but then I got an's try #2:

I want to be in your pilates class! It's totally reasonable to drive to Cedar from SLC for it, right? How long did it take you to become certified? Or do you have to be certified? I seriously think about teaching yoga one day. One day, right? :)

Abby said...

Woohoo! Go Rae!