Monday, July 23, 2007

Summer Rain

It poured today, the third time in a week. We need the rain after the way Utah's being scorched!! Reed was outside, and ran in shouting, "Mom! Mom! You GOTTA see this! It's AWESOME!!" He was drenched and grinning ear to ear. So I had to take pictures, of course. I decided the easiest way to show those pictures would be to combine them in one big collage....pardon me if it's not as well-done as it could be--the boys have their first ever dentist appointments today, and I was trying to finish the photos quickly enough to have time to spare. Anyway, I just loved watching him play in the rain, and remembering my sisters and our fun times in the August downpours of Colorado.

1 comment:

Qait said...

I adore his childish delight! Rain is healing for me, so even seeing him happy in it makes me feel so good!