Tuesday, April 17, 2007

congratulations to q

I spent the bigger half of Saturday photographing my little sister's wedding. It's a good thing I had the camera pressed to my eyes most of the time, or I think I might have cried endlessly. (Although I did cry when it was time to take pictures of their first dance....I had to hand the camera to Phill.) Only one left to go: our little Madelyn....I hope she takes her sweet time, because I don't know if I can handle the pace that is so far unbroken by us Boatright girls. (Once a Boatright, always a Boatright.) Liz left the nest at 21? Yes, yes, I think so. And Abby at 19. I did at 18 (guess I was setting a record?) and Just-Married-Stars-in-Her-Eyes is 19. In my opinion, we've all married very well. I don't think that we've rushed into it, necessarily--but it sure was awfully fast that we all found our someones. And I'm feeling a little like the mommy, watching her birdies fly far, far away. And sometimes the pace just startles me. Maybe I'm a little out of the loop? After all, there are five years between my marriage and Younger Lovely's. So why does the pace seem so frantic? Am I just never going to be ready? Am I always going to be shocked into seeing another go? I still have this little childish hope that one day we'll all live close together in the same state or--dare I imagine!--in the same city....Melissa and Abby, my blog-writing sisters, I miss you. You're both too faraway.


Abby said...

Oh BEAUTIFUL pictures and I miss you too!! I'm so glad we both have blogs...

Melissa Pierce said...

hearts around us rae, hearts around us.