I'm really proud of us because, just like my bloggity friend Christine, we've been applying a grocery budget, and a menu, and it's working! Or I guess I should say we're following it. We had food stamps before Phill got this job. And we were allotted a huge amount, which we carelessly used every month. But in preparation for not having that luxury, we decided to make a budget of $300.00 per month for our family of five. (Four of which actually eat the food, the fifth gets it in milk-form.) We shop for two weeks at a time, except for produce and bread (and sometimes snacks), which tend to need replacing every week. So we plan seven meals and just repeat them in the second week. And so far it's working well. And we're not stuck with the question of what to make until 7:00p.m., when we give up and just put hot dogs in the microwave. (Which is okay....but gets old after the third night in a row.) We've also budgeted a specific amount--kind of tentative for now, seeing if it will work--for fuel, fun, and household things (diapers, cleaning supplies, etc...). I must have some Planning & Efficiency bones in me, after all! :) Sometimes it's fun to be somewhat regimented. Hmm...spoken like a true Army brat and Army wife.
i'll be straight to the point:
you look too skinny in that picture and I hate you. :)
Hook a girl up! Can I get the 7-day menu??? I'm so bored with what I make. I'd be really interested to hear what you've got cookin' this next week. And can I just say that I love your blog. It's so interesting!
I need menu inspiration, Kit wrote ours up last night and I had nothing to offer... so do share yours.
And thanks for sharing your link!
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